Personal Experience Living With Covid

Personal Experience Living With Covid

Here are some stories of Personal Experience Living with Covid. These contributor has been fully vaccinated and even boosted as well. Hence it’s very important to get your vaccinated.

Ken's Experience Living with Covid

On Jan 30th a Sunday morning I had sore throat. Therefore at around 3pm I did an Antigen Rapid Test (ART) with positive result. In the evening had fever, sore throat, runny nose & body is aching all over. With the result that it was positive, I drank lots of water and took Panadol before going to bed.

On the following day, Monday, the fever has gone down but I still had runny nose, itchy throat and some parts of the body still aching. Hence I drank at least 4-5 liters of water and took high dose of Vitamin C & D. In the same way I continue this regimen the day after. On Tuesday my fever is totally gone but there’s still the blocked nose and itchy throat. I did another self test and it still came back positive.

Now we’re into Wednesday and I just have little bit blocked nose. Besides that everything else is fine. In addition to plain water, I also took the 3 leg cooling water with my vitamin C & D. Finally at night I did another self test and thankfully this time it’s NEGATIVE. I couldn’t be so happy to hear a negative result in my life.

Zairul's Experience Living with Covid

Here’s my experience past 3 weeks living with omicron in the house. Basically it’s Vit C, panadol, cod liver oil, flu med (eg clarinase/aerius etc), cough syrup (if needed) and strepsils (if needed). Keeping yourself hydrated is very important to combat this virus. Hence we drank lots of water daily. 

Besides that, we had some coconut water, and everyday drink lemon with either garlic or cloves (2-3 glasses per day). I guess many of you wouldn’t think of garlic but it contains compounds with potent medicinal properties. Besides all these, the other key factor is to have a lot of REST. Therefore do remember to rest and not do any exercise during these period of time.

Alhamdulillah me and my 2 sons all reduce their symptoms within 3-4 days. Finally we were all tested NEGATIVE on day 6. If you’ve been fully vaccinated, don’t panic and take good care of yourself. Monitor your progress and if it get worse do consult your doctor.

Eric's Thoughts on Covid

From what I known, prevention is one thing. But if KENA already, high dose vitamin C & D regulates the immune system and greatly reduces the likelihood of systemic inflammation and cytokine storm (which are what starts damaging the lungs and make the disease become deadly).

I know someone here in KL who helped several dozens of poor people … like lowest level of b40 when they kena COVID. He gave them 2000mg Vit C and 10,000iu Vit D per day for 5-8 days. None deteriorated to need hospitalisation.

Sharing is Caring

If you have any life story or health tips to share, do contact us. Your story might help to empower others. Stay strong and keep everyone safe & healthy.

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Images use are either from Unsplash or Pexels. Tips or stories publish here are mainly for sharing purpose and not to be treated as medical treatment.

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